Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


All-day Ride to Oxford

 108 km  594 m  04:46  x8  x6
Ride Category
The weather forecast had looked dodgy for a number of days, but despite a few spits here and there, we managed to stay pretty dry.

8 is an awkward number, especially when one is joining on the route and another is leaving later on, but we managed rather well, with the groups leapfrogging whilst clothing adjustments and punctures were dealt with. The splendid tailwind made speedy progress a breeze!

Biggest annoyance of the day was the coffee stop being closed, so we pushed on around some back streets of Cowley, passing some childhood haunts of John.

Lunch at Gloucester Green was welcome and we enjoyed various delights from the street food stalls. Ever present pigeons also contributed, from a height.

After lunch a meander up and down the canal, finding the railway swing bridge, before heading back into the city centre and passing many of the colleges and sights - lots of Corallian stone adorning building walls.

A quick diversion up to Wytham Woods to bag an errant square, and we then had to fight our way against the headwind into Wantage.

Sadly due to Lockdown 2.0, it looks like this was the last club weekend ride for a while. We'll let you know when we're allowed to restart.