Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Weds Eve Wanderer

 49 km  247 m  01:54  x8
Ride Category
We started with a slight detour from the posted route to avoid the newly arrived 4-way traffic lights on Mably way. Going through Grove some over exuberance in the group led to two highway code infringements. A quick pep talk set us back on the straight and narrow and from then on we all rode like pros.

It was a lovely warm evening but with a pretty firm north-westerly blowing so those on the front had a good workout for the first 30km. Passing across the flood plain around Shifford was picturesque as the west wind moved upon the fields of barley and the summer sun in his jealous sky saw us ride in fields of gold. Turning south at Tadpole bridge we reaped the benefits and sailed home with relative ease.

Traffic had been light for the most part and we even got through those pesky Mably Way lights on the way back without much trouble now that the evening rush was over. A select few just had time for a swift beer at the Fred's Head before dusk.