Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Clanfield & Bampton Flat

 62 km  443 m  02:39  x2  x3
Ride Category
By the 10am start time the temperature had risen just high enough to melt away on-road ice patches, although there was still some to be seen lingering in the gutters, on the fields and even in slack water on the river Thames. We made a quick stop to inspect the tithe barn at Great Coxwell then continued on into the northerly headwind to Lechlade. At Bampton Garden Centre Cafe we were joined by a friendly Robin who has taken up residence there. Aside from more and larger potted plants the cafe was much the same as ever although perhaps the mid week staff are a bit better organised. Good to be out riding again after the recent cold snap.

TIL that I can embed the Strava activity of another user who is a Strava subscriber (such as Louis) even though I am not one. Viola!