Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Fairford picnic ride

 51 km  348 m  03:08  x5
Ride Category
Great to see Des joining us again, and also to welcome Jake, out with dad Jon on the tandem.

Theme of the day was low cloud, mizzling in the morning to dampen the ride and then providing excuses for the star aircraft to cry off because they can't display when it's cloudy.

We did get to enjoy the Red Arrows, the Chinook, MV22 Osprey, and an American extravaganza which included Mustang, B-17, F-16, F-15, KC-135 and Hercules. Star of the show was the Lancaster / Spitfire / Hurricane ensemble, and the grump of the show was a jobsworth who didn't want us picnicking in the car car, so we moved on.

A well-earned McFlurry at Macdonalds in Watchfield rounded the day off nicely!