With much of the squadron on overseas postings or otherwise deployed, there were just two Top Guns on the mission today.
As we made our way to RAF Fairford a consistent 25 knot headwind limited groundspeed on our stealth approach along a hidden flight-track through the bomb stores before we buzzed the tower. After a much needed (but not all that great*) in-flight refuelling at Lynwood's cafe we pressed on, staying below the radar along the beautiful rollercoaster backroad leading to the wildlife park at Burford. It was at his point that we felt the need, the need for speed. So, banking to the SE and picking up the strong tailwind, it felt like we had lit the afterburners as we blasted past RAF Brize Norton at speeds approaching Mach 0.035. Back home in record time for tea and medals. Top Fun.
Maverick & Goose highly recommend this route (but maybe not the cafe).
* accidental VEGAN sausage roll purchase in the face of limited options. Did they die in vain?