Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Morning Ride - Hampstead Norreys

 60 km  774 m  02:31  x4  x1
Ride Category
At 0850 they were setting up the market square for the fair, and it was closed to motor vehicles. I spied Andy in front of the Bear (he'd ridden over from Hagbourne) and we were soon joined by Dave and Jez. All four of us (separately) were admonished for riding in the square and told in no uncertain terms to dismount!

With a hilly ride to come and three of the club's strongest riders I knew it would be a tough morning. And it was - I guess I'm not used to being tail-end Charlie up every climb! But it was a nice morning and felt quite warm during the sunny spells and at one point we were treated to a red kite escort.

Sitting outside the Community Cafe at Hampstead Norreys was as pleasant as ever. For the return journey I took up Jez's kind offer of a rear wheel swap to help me track down the source of an irritation click on my bike - at the end we concluded that it is indeed the wheel that is to blame, but the exact component remains a mystery.

Andy left us at West Ilsley and we plunged down Chain Hill back to Wantage.
Good to see Andy back after a couple of month's gap and thanks to Dave for doing the hard work at the front of the group. A good work-out!