Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Wednesday Evening Ride

 45 km  292 m  01:44  x5
Ride Category
This summer's weather continues to confound. It was raining heavily when I arrived in Wantage. I skulked in the car for five minutes, cursing my lack of mudguards and waterproofs. It relented a little for the gathering, then we had five minutes of light rain just as we left. As this was a strong group, we agreed to abandon the speed guidelines for a blue ride. Those smug riders wearing waterproofs had to remove them before too long as body temperatures rose. The group rode in compact fashion until Ashbury. With a tailwind, the dogs were let off the lead along the Springline. There was a re-group at the foot of Blowingstone and from there order was mostly restored back to Wantage for a restorative pint at KAH. Excellent ride: thanks guys.