Good conditions after the rain of the previous 24 h - only one small flood across the road and the weather remained dry (just about) throughout. A very evenly matched quartet made rapid progress through Oxfordshire and Berkshire and into Hampshire, enjoying some beautiful autumn colours, where we failed to take any photos of the Roman walls of Calleva (for the record Calleva Atrebatum was originally an Iron Age settlement from about 25 BC to 50 AD then a Roman Town from 43 AD to about 550 AD). From there a cunning cut-through found us in Tadley to try out the Cafe Retreat for lunch. It seems a popular spot on a Sunday Morning but there were a few tables available and the service was pretty quick. Breakfasts there are coded B1 to B5 and seemed good value (but note no cards! cash only). The return ride was similarly incident free until Andy picked up a puncture on the descent of Chain Hill, happily slow enough to allow him to limp to the market square a few minutes after the rest.
Rides don't come any easier to lead than this one - a real pleasure.