A lucky break in the recent wet weather allowed a total of nine riders to enjoy a dry day out in the Cotswolds. Chris lead away the first bubble of five (Chris, Caroline, Jez, Andy & Paul) followed soon after by bubble two (Pete, Nick, Ken & Louis).
Progress was smooth and mostly uneventful except for when Nick went for the Kardashian look by getting stung on the top lip by a wasp. We encountered a TT event in progress in a couple of places where we crossed the A429 , which was nice to see and there we some impressive speeds being achieved. We however, were more focused on the lunch stop at Malmesbury Garden Centre, where some impressive scoffing of fried food was achieved. After lunch the bubbles swapped road positions for the second half of the ride. Again a smooth run with speeds slowly increasing as we neared the finish. We gathered at the finish for socially distant ice-creams and a chat before jumping in our cars to go home.
Kudos to Louis who had ridden out to the start from Wantage and also rode back afterwards.