Today's ride was a mostly flat ride into Germany.
A quick launch from Colmar along a straight road with a cycle lane and a disused railway alongside got us to agricultural land that lies on the French side of the border. We reached the River Rhine and the border which was completely open, no passports required.
We followed the riverside path south on the German side of the river which initially was smooth tarmac but suddenly turned into a loose surface with a very narrow worn path. High concentration required as any deviation into the loose stuff was going to end up in a world of hurt.
Back on the roads the theme for the day in Germany was do we use the segregated cycle tracks parallel to the roads or not? Poorly signposted it was easy to miss them and then on busy roads having to cross the grass verge to get to them, only for them to end suddenly a few hundred metres later. Sometimes they were more hassle than they were worth.
We stopped on the outskirts of Biengen for a drink and a snack. Free wasp with every order and the mystery of John's open handlebar bag was quickly solved when Chris discovered two Corallian buffs in his pocket. Having nearly identical bikes and bags can be confusing!
Afterwards followed the gentle climb towards Frieburg, again alternating between road and cycle path. We then followed the tram tracks into town. Some interesting cobbled roads with a stream in the gutter and tram tracks needed careful navigation so that your front wheel didn't end up in either!
Lunch was taken next the Cathedral. Wurstsalat all round. Some thought it was wurst than others.
We used cycle routes out of town and back into the countryside where we crossed the Grand Canal d'Alsace back into France and watched a large oil barge navigating the lock.
A drink stop was required as it was getting quite hot and an open boulangerie in Fessenheim was found and cold drinks and pasteries were consumed in the shade on the steps of the Marie.
It was then a very flat run back to Colmar, and with good team riding a high pace was set and with riders taking turns on the front it wasn't long before we were back outside the hotel.
An excellent ride to set us up nicely for the Queen stage tomorrow