Flat option for those whose legs had had enough of hills
We rolled through open farmland on quiet roads and through quaint villages, we stopped at Ensisheim for coffee, to the outskirts of Mulhouse (rhymes with Toulouse) where we negotiated the city streets to the beautiful central square by the cathedral. It was too early for lunch so we made a note to return here later.
We headed out of the city via the EuroVelo 6 cycle route alongside the Canal du Rhône au Rhin, a beautiful traffic-free route. We saw a Kingfisher and a Heron that was almost so tame we could stroke it.
We headed back on the other side of the L'ill river where the route went a bit Ken Castle for a few hundred metres but quickly reverted back to the smooth stuff. We actually had a hill for about 200m in Didenheim and I had to select the small ring
On the way into Mulhouse we took a small detour to Cité du Train, one of the ten largest train museums in the world. We didn't go in but a nip around the back of the building bagged us a few locomotives
We negotiated our way back to the cathedral square where we had a very pleasant lunch. Just as we were about to leave a few spots of rain started falling and then there was a rumble of thunder. And then the heavens opened. Every time it looked like the rain might be easing another torrential downpour started. We stopped for coffee.
Eventually, having sat it out for over an hour, the Sun broke out and we decided to go for it. No sooner had we started than the heavens opened again and we got soaked, stopping would only mean we would get cold and the rainfall radar indicated it would clear as we headed north so heads down and go for it.
The radar was right, the rain stopped, the Sun tried to come out and we dried a little. We then had a great blast back along minor roads towards Colmar. As we approached the city it started raining again a little and with the mucky roads and taking turns at the front by the time we arrived back at the hotel at gone 5pm we looked like we had been competing in the Paris-Roubaix in the rain.
Great fun, great route. Thoroughly enjoyed