Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


White Horses

 58 km  697 m  02:36  x4  x1
Ride Category
This ride started well - there was no rain though the poor forecast may have put off some.

The first white horse, Uffington, was soon put behind us and we then moved onto the flat section of the ride. The pitstop in Royal Wootton Bassett was welcome and the Broadtown white horse was accomplished with ease.

The story changed at Clyffe Pypard. Despite warnings two riders crashed on the slippery descent; one with terminal damage to the bike: pringlised front wheel and broken seat. It felt terminal waiting three hours, yes three hours South Western Ambulance Service, for the ambulance to scrape the ride leader off the side of the road and take him to Great Western Hospital in Swindon, for what proved to be precautionary X-rays.

The group were fantastic waiting for the ambulance to arrive and a shout out to Pam for taking the eventually somewhat soggy remaining riders back to Wantage.