Reports of Louis about to be late having left home late were grossly exaggerated as he arrived with 4 seconds to spare. So ten of us set off, and at the top of the new (for most people) Ownham climb, Libby made contact to say she was waiting for us to pass East Garston.... (it would have been a long wait as we were planned to be passing East Garston later in the afternoon). After a short delay, we were up to eleven riders!
The morning route was quite hilly, which made for some excellent descents too. There was some challenge to the route planning on the outskirts of Andover where we had to traverse a little dual carriageway to get to Cowdown, but otherwise it went smoothly.
Lunch at the Hawk Conservancy Trust was speedy and good, and we had a little sunshine for a while we ate in the shade under the gazebo.
We had a headwind for the journey over the downs north of Ludgershall, but made short work of it to arrive at Wendy's cafe in Great Bedwyn for coffee cakes and ice-cream.
A lovely day out, and thanks are due to my companions on the ride - I really enjoyed the company and comradery!