Five of us gamely rode out in the sun through Faringdon and on to Lechlade. At Lechlade we attempted to take refreshment at the Riverside Inn but the charmless nerk who runs the place aggressively insisted that we put our bikes in the inadequate and ill sited "racks" at the side of the pub rather than bring them into the three quarters empty garden. We could have made it work but he had failed the attitude test and it was clear cyclists are not welcome here, so why bother? (Looking later on TripAdvisor I find that our experience is far from unique with many comments about rudeness "worse than Basil Fawlty" etc etc. I vented by adding mine to the list). No Matter, we moved around the corner to Lynwood & Co. Cafe and got such a contrasting welcome that it restored our faith in humanity. Talking to a local cyclist in the queue I found out that this is the preferred cyclist's cafe In Lechlade and I would definitely endorse it. Boosted by our snacks we had an enjoyable return leg although by the end we were all glad to get out of the building heat. After the ride essential fluids were replenished during a relaxed post ride visit to 30 Something bar where an injured John G joined us.
The easy-going and calorie rich ethos of the Tuesday rides was maintained.