Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Woodstock - Shipston-on-Stour

 90 km  1030 m  04:18  x5
Ride Category
Leaving the house first thing on a Sunday morning in freezing fog is never easy but the reward was actually a super (largely sunny) day out in the ironstone country of north Oxfordshire.

A new route took in the very best of this area: quiet back roads, lovely ironstone villages and spectacular views. Fair to say it also handed out some tough climbs :p

Mrs Brown's cafe in Shipston-on-Stour was reached by 11.30 and we just about sneaked a table at this busy establishment on the basis that once the full English breakfasts arrived we would need to eat them in 10 minutes. This is the sort of challenge that Corallian thrives on and the delicious fare was duly consumed ahead of schedule :D

The return leg was marked by more steeps, a ford, some slippy verges and a visit to the awesome Hook Norton Brewery. The largely downhill closing 20 km to Woodstock was much appreciated.

Must revisit this route in the summer and have a pint of Hooky (sun).