Glorious sunshine

and little traffic on our demanding annual outing to Henley on Thames.
We set off in summer kit through Grove and picked up Claire in Steventon. Jez apparated en route to Benson. We elected to stop for coffee but the Waterfront Cafe was rammed. Fortunately Claire recommended No.25 Café on Benson High Street - a great shout!
Shortly after setting off again, Ben had an explosive puncture - half of Oxfordshire will have heard it. While most stopped, a few of us took the opportunity to climb Britwell Hill at our own pace. We eventually regrouped for the wonderful descent down into Pishill. (There was some debate as to how to pronounce it.)
The second major ascent was up to Fawley and then on down to the Hambledon Valley. Both were taken with care given the rough road surface. We crossed the Thames at Mill End and then on through Remenham to Henley, where we discovered that Jez had disapparated.
We took lunch by the river on Mill Meadows before the undulating journey home. Having passed through Sonning Common we stopped in Goring for an ice cream. Claire and Andy left us in East Hagbourne - we went past their house. The rest of us continued our return leg on the A417 (a bit too quickly for some) and several enjoyed a well earned pint

in Alfie's garden.
The riding was generally good; disciplined two abreast in close formation on the bigger roads and sensible separation, leaving space for cars, on some of the uphill sections. Some riders needed to be encouraged to ensure that they did not overlap the rider ahead and allow at least one foot between their front wheel and the rear wheel ahead.
Thanks for such an easy ride to lead.