Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Corallian Holiday 2022 - Ardeche Gorge

 78 km  1202 m  04:12  x5
Ride Category
Another really early start as got in the cars and drove to Barjac and were riding before 07:00. Actually nippy to start with, we got to the tourist honeypot of Vallon Pont d'Arc and had coffee and patisserie, with some surly French service being in evidence.

From there the Ardeche Gorge began in earnest. Lots of climbing and descending, but the views were as spectacular as always. Progress on this ride is always going to be slow, because it's about the scenery, not the progress, and we had plenty of photo stops to view the meanders and cliffs, and the river below and the ever-present canoeists.

Lunch was in St Martin, with paninis all around and a shady square outside the Mairie to shield us from the heat.

The return to Barjac was undulating but nowhere massively tough, which was a blessed relief.

Once on the road in air-con comfort, we stopped for a little ice-cream and cold drink to complete the rather excellent day.