A wonderful hot sunny day (could this be England?), but not overpowering (until you stopped when sweat gushed forth and the flies descended).
Someone remarked that this ride was like a trip back in time. The Cotswold villages seemed from pre-WW2 and we were passed from time to time by old Bentleys on their way to Winchcombe (https://www.bdcl.org/events/concours).
After the customary navigational error (this time in Cirencester, home of the giant hare) we headed up the gentle incline of the White Way, eventually giving way to the Compton Abdale Alps. All were happy to tackle an off-road section of the Winchcombe Way after which a high speed descent of Salters Hill (where the cattle grid at the bottom proved too much for my Garmin mount!) led us on to our lunch stop. Hayles Farm Cafe was quiet and the early lunch at 1130 was particularly appreciated by John (50 km + 56 km self-inflicted punishment!).
Post-lunch, the main climbs, Corndean Lane and the Withington Lung Buster, stung the legs but earned us another refreshment stop. At Denfurlong Farm Cafe we were greeted by a barbecue (fortunately for us, though sadly for the organisers, undersubscribed) and a singer/guitarist couple. Fortified by some excellent farm-made ice cream we headed back at a decent lick.
Good company and glorious views. Highlight perhaps was the sweeping descent down the valley from Hawling towards Guiting Power.