It felt really chilly in the market square at 10 o'clock and there was some trepidation regarding the Northerly head wind we would face on the return leg. No such worries to start with though and Manor Road down to Great Shefford was despatched in a flattering time. At "The Great Shefford" (formerly The Swan) we paused to remove a layer of clothing and an early coffee stop was very briefly considered. After the climb up through Wickham we enjoyed the narrow lanes through Winding Wood, at their driest currently, and we stopped to admire the vineyard. Pete counted the number of vines - a prolonged discussion of all things wine ensued.
After passing through further picturesque lanes from Hungerford through Little Bedwyn we arrived at Wendy's Cafe in Great Bedwyn, which turned out to be closed - a board in the centre of the town informed us that it will re-open on 5 June. The alternative, baps, pasties and hot drinks from the post office (haribos and red bull for Paul!), excellent value as usual, we re enjoyed in the beautiful seclusion of the church cemetery.
There was some moaning about the headwind on the way back through Chisbury, Ramsbury and Lambourn but the air had warmed up nicely by this time, and it didn't prevent a time trial up Hackpen Hill for three of us - Paul arrived at the top a few minutes later suffering from a cramp in his leg.
Full attendance in the KAH garden for a de-brief! Thank you guys - a lovely ride to lead.