Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Avebury Unhenged

 106 km  1050 m  04:03  x7  x2
Ride Category
Lovely conditions for riding today, pleasantly warm and lacking the humidity of the previous few days.

Seven of us made it as far as Marlborough before Louis deserted us in a pre-planned move. This was unfortunate because he was the only one of us who had previous experience of the cycle track around the back of Marlborough School. So I blame him for the slight error I made in leading us down a couple of hundred yards of singletrack dog-poo minefield before we re-joined the actual route. Still, this did have amusing (for some) consequences as we watched Jez trying to clear the sh*t clogging his brake callipers using a variety of sticks. It wasn't pretty but he took it well considering. An unexpected extra benefit of disc brakes.

The community cafe in the cricket pavilion at Avebury proved to be a winner and a nice spot to pause, wipe the bikes down further, and have bacon butties all round.

Heading back we picked up a useful tail wind which, combined with jumping on the Dave train, got us back to Wantage in good time for a well deserved pint.