Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


All-day Ride to Weston-on-the-Green

 100 km  588 m  04:10  x9  x3
Ride Category
Decent conditions for this time of year tempted out a good number of riders to the start line. Nine started out from Wantage but we had three deserters at various points along the way, for a variety of legit personal reasons.

The route took us through the northern suburbs of Oxford, making good use of the decent cycle paths in that area. We made good time out to The Old Flight House which is a quirky antique centre. The cafe there was on balance a hit, especially the bacon & egg butties, although some thought that the coffee could be stronger.

I very pleasant and sociable ride I though, using some roads I have never ridden before and a new to us cafe too. Three of us topped it off with a cheeky post-ride pint in the blue Boar.