Five set out from the market square on very mild morning, cloudy with a definite hint of brightness. We picked up Chris at Fawley by the monument and headed over through Brightwalton and Beedon for an early coffee stop at Hampstead Norreys (sadly no bread pudding on offer this time!). By the time we left it was drizzling and the rain got steadily heavier and soon our shoes and gloves were full of water. Richard and Paul left us at Hermitage and the remaining four headed off through Curridge where Pete picked up a puncture. Chris left us at the A34 bridge in search of somewhere warm and dry, and the dwindling peloton climbed up to Snelsmore Common. But hey, by now the rain had stopped and the sun was threatening to put in appearance, and we soon arrived at Boxford. As we waited to turn onto the B4000 Chris flashed past and Pete raced off in hot pursuit until he reached our turn-off to Wickham. There followed an exploration of the county's (not sure which one!) muckiest roads before arriving at the Wheatsheaf at Chilton Foliat. An hour later and fully sated we emerged to tackle the remaining kilometres. Mysteriously the hills had grown and the legs (well mine at least) become heavier so there was a certain relief as we rolled into Wantage at 1500. Good company as usual!