The anniversary ride saw leaden skies and the threat of rain, thankfully we only had two brief bursts of rain.
Many of the smaller lanes were wet and mucky though and those who chose mudguards made a wise choice.
The route should make an interesting audax, it would be a pretty easy introduction to 100km rides.
I was conscious of the forecast predicting strong winds later on and I was keen to get to the lunch stop at The Talbot in Eynsham at 12pm to get orders in before the rush. It's very busy on a Sunday. This meant the pace was pretty high before lunch but we had a nice tailwind for much of it.
Lunch was served promptly and the food was excellent. I had a chat with the manager about the origin of the name!!
After lunch we had a brief flat before Tumbledown Hill into Cumnor. The wind made itself felt from here back to Uffington and the earlier high pace started to take its toll on some of the riders (including me!).
A very excellent way to celebrate our first anniversary