A bit chilly at 0900 but there was a good turn-out of 8 riders with the prospect of some sunshine later. Indeed, as we climbed up into the beautiful Wychwood Forest section the sun emerged and the photographers were much in evidence. Fortunately they were concentrating on the view South towards Leafield rather than that a few hundred yards to the North where a herd of Corallians were "exploring" the forest.
Approaching Chipping Norton we passed Diddly Squat farm shop where a crowd of punters queued to buy bags of the great man's spuds. Arriving at the Old Mill Cafe at 1120 there were a couple of tables free at the rear which accommodated us nicely. The tasty food was worth the little wait, and Paul entertained the customers with an impromptu breakdance, fortunately without serious injury ("bloody" road cleats!). As we left, the bikers arrived.
We enjoyed a lovely, fast, sunny return ride with an ice cream stop at Cogges, getting back to Wantage at 1500, with plenty of time for a well-earned beer at KAH. Lovely ride - thank you all.