An encouraging start to the latest club innovation of Summer Tuesday rides.
The weather has been wild, wet and windy this month, but seven of us met in Wantage Market Place for this inaugural ride. We hoped for good weather and that's what we got with a good tailwind on the outward leg northwards through the vale, over the Corallian Ridge and down across the Thames. Turning west, high hedgerows protected us from from the wind but not from a summer shower so we were obliged to don waterproofs as we approached Lew.
By the time we got to our planned stop at the delightful Blake's Kitchen in Clanfield the sun was out again. We then recrossed the Thames at Radcot before the usual suspects raced up the only hill of the day into Faringdon and paused for us all to regroup. Our ride back through the vale was uneventful and we arrived back into Wantage along with yet another summer shower.