First thanks to Pete (W) for setting up the ride (hopefully back on the bike very soon!) and John (T) for some helpful on-the-hoof re-routing when we hit an impasse outside Swindon.
10 riders pulled out of Wantage and made good progress down the spring-line road toward Swindon, helped by a strong tail-wind. John G. joined us in Ashbury. Progress into Coate Water was temporarily stopped when we hit road works on the A419 underpass but some urban re-routing soon saw us back on-track. The spiral bridge and off-road trails through Coate Water are always fun and conveniently take you straight to lunch at the Three Trees Cafe.
The traditional after-lunch hill was followed by a home-run into a fairly strong head-wind. The desire by some for a cruisey pace and others for an energetic thrash into the head wind (or various combinations of the two!) led to a bit of peleton splintering, but we all regrouped for the closing stages.
A couple of very enjoyable beers were had in the sunny garden of the KAH

to round off a good excursion.