A mild but breezy day for a welcome return to the Mince Pie Ride. Nine Corallians in the Market Square at the start, two riding with CUK Wantage and two joining the Corallian ride later meant we ended with nine!
We made good time to the hill even with an extra loop this year we were amongst the first groups to arrive despite a nasty headwind on the hill making it a bit tougher than usual.
We enjoyed lovely mince pies and mulled wine courtesy of CUK Wantage and a good natter with friends from other groups.
The return to Wantage was mostly wind assisted and as riders peeled off to get ready for the club meal we ended up with four at the end. We had a little drizzle from Denchworth, enough to wet the roads but not enough to get us wet.
Same time next year?!