Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Away Ride - Shrivenham to Malmesbury FOG FORECAST!

 82 km  667 m  03:24  x6  x2
Ride Category
It was indeed foggy, and cold, 3 degC at Shrivenham. I was delighted to find five there including Ben and Louis who, impressively, had cycled over from Wantage. The fog thinned out significantly after Broad Blunsdon and disappeared for a while before Malmesbury. The garden centre's excellent breakfasts were swiftly despatched and we set off back before 1130, again into a thin fog. The homogeneous group made good progress back into foggier Oxfordshire, arriving back at Shrivenham about 1310.

Thank you everyone for a good Winter workout!