The ride looked like it was going to start with six but a last-minute addition was Pam. We headed out of Wantage and made our way to West and East Hanney to battle along the Hanney Road to Steventon. We then made our way to Didcot via the Milton Science Park. Navigating our way through the outskirts of Didcot was a little tricky with all the Sunday morning traffic, but we made it to Savages for a welcome coffee and refreshment. Somehow, we got onto the meaning of the Scottish word “Dour”, partly because Libby had not come across it, so we spent the remainder of the time trying to come up with good examples of where you would use the word “Dour” – it was clearly time to get back on the bikes. Claire and Andy left us at Rowstock and headed back home. The rest of the group carried on back to Wantage using a few cycle tracks (for Pete’s benefit!) and a short climb (Lark Hill) to keep everyone on their toes. It was a lovely day for a ride and good company.