Everybody seemed in a very relaxed mood today which resulted in a chilled-out social ride. The fine weather and fabulous route

no doubt helped. At the impressive hilltop mausoleum the views over open countryside to a distant High Wycombe certainly justified the climb. This is an interesting destination so we spent a short while soaking it all in before dropping half way down the hill to the cafe in front of the entrance to Hellfire Caves, which also proved to be an interesting place to visit. After this relaxed break the route sidestepped the worst of Bledlow Ridge and threaded us back through the Chilterns on some lovely, not too taxing, quiet lanes. It was almost as if a lot of the population had stayed at home to watch a sporting event or something. More fool them. With 10km to go, four of us decided on a refreshing shandy at the King William at Ipsden. A charming hidden little boozer that I had not visited before but certainly will again.
Thanks Richard for providing impromptu sweeping services and to everybody else for being good company.