Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Summer Tuesday Ride

 78 km  216 m  03:03  x6  x1
Ride Category
As riders gathered in Wantage Market Place they hid in the shadows of Alfie's statue. We welcomed Louise and set off down Mill Street.

The ride to Eynsham was relaxed but it was only when we stopped and felt the heat and humidity that we realised the full benefit of air cooling as we had been bowling along. And just as our orders were arriving at the Cherry Tree Cafe so did Pete, who was running in his new motorcycle. He added to the pancake order.

We were grateful that we had thought to refill our water bottles for the return leg - the 30 degree heat was tiring. As is often the way, several riders peeled off to take direct routes home, but four of us made it back to the steamy Market Place.

I think we all enjoyed ourselves.

Did I mention that it was hot? (sun)