Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Welcome Ride - The Extra Hour

 53 km  221 m  02:13  x8  x3
Ride Category
Report by Nick (Richard injured!)

Another mild and pleasant autumnal morning. Despite the hour change I was somewhat late joining the ride, catching the others (less Pam who waited for me) at the T junction out of Denchworth. At this point Richard and Louise were down on the ground, victims of a slippery patch on the road, probably a greasy patch of mud on an unusually (for Oxfordshire!) smooth piece of tarmac. They were quickly up and we thought without serious injury or bike damage - however Louise soon left the ride with handlebars twisted out of position. Richard soldiered on and finished the ride but was clearly having some pain from his wrist.

We found a comfortable corner in Lynwoods at Bampton. The ride back to Wantage was uneventful.

After the ride Richard went to get his wrist checked out at the Minor Injury Unit (Didcot or Abingdon?) where a fracture was confirmed. Wishing him a quick recovery!