For what was a cold cloudy Sunday morning there was a good turnout of eight riders, including John G who had set off in advance. Pete was looking distinctly gloomy as he had been cycling in Portugal the previous week in temperatures of +25oC. We set off and not long after the start were joined by Ben. We made good time along the Spring Line and picked up John in Ashbury. We arrived at Three Trees around about 10:20 and all inside sitting was taken, fortunately the temperature was okay for sitting outside (Pete might disagree). The refreshment orders arrived one-by-one over a period of about 20 minutes, with Ben’s cooked breakfast arriving in two parts at the end. As Louis had a commitment back in Wantage he headed off and the rest of the group watched Ben consume his food, which he did at remarkable speed. The ride back to Wantage was uneventful apart from a few unplanned deviations from the route. As we approached Wantage a number of the group dropped off to their respective homes. In all a very enjoyable ride.