Organiser Report :- The first running of this audax event and we had 67 entries of which 55 completed the ride (10 non-starters and 2 did not finish). All the riders I spoke to seemed to enjoy the route and were complimentary of the controls at Bampton and Eynsham. A huge thanks to Nick D, June, Tracey, Jasmine and Sue who helped at Uffington, setting up, serving teas etc. Thanks to Nick S and Hugo for manning the controls. Thanks to Kath at Flexicare for providing the food at the end and helping out in the kitchen. I've had some lovely feedback from the riders by email, for example...
"Just a very quick note to say many thanks for organising the Audax ride today — thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a great route with good control points and lots of friendly riders!"
"I'd just like to say a big "Thank you" to you for today's event and for the effort you and the rest of the team put in to organising and running it. I'm sure a good day was had by all; I certainly had a great day out and I hope you felt it was worthwhile.
Please pass on thanks also to the ladies doing the real hard work in the hall, and to your family. I couldn't believe the spread which was laid on when we finished. I need to know who baked those cakes!"
It looks like we will have raised a few hundred pounds for Flexicare too