Delighted to find three other willing souls at the Market Place (having expected none with the prospect of a wet morning), though John, psyched up for Sincombe Hill (but not Ashbury Hill!) was disappointed to find that I'd chosen the anti-clockwise direction. The drizzle started shortly after we passed through Uffington and became progressively heavier. Rain jackets were donned by the railway bridge and John headed back via the vale, and at Ashbury the decision was taken to continue on to Lambourn. After the slog up Asbury Hill into the wind and the now quite heavy rain, we made rapid progress down to our coffee stop at Lambourn, with a continuous rotation of leader. As we lounged around in the soft furnishings of Goodies Cafe, drying out, the weather outside improved for the return back to Wantage. Thank you everyone - good to get out in the damp!