Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Summer Tuesday Ride

 56 km  346 m  02:16  x10  x1
Ride Category
Another eventful Tuesday ride. Nine turned up at the Market place on what felt almost like an Autumn Day. It was nice to see Chris back from his trip to France and we welcomed back Luke on his lightweight road bike. As we made our way through Childrey we picked up Simon, so had an even 10 riders. At the top of the hill leading into Little Coxwell, Luke suffered a puncture. The first challenge was to get the back wheel off, a suitable multi-tool was borrowed. The next challenge was to get the tyre off the Zipp (60mm) carbon wheel, another few tools were the required. Having got the tyre off, the new inner tube was inserted and after much levering and muscle power the tyre was back on. All that was required now was to inflate the tyre – a pump was borrowed. The next challenge proved unresolvable – the inner tube valve was too short and barely poked out of the wheel and wouldn’t allow a pump to be attached. The next course of action was to get a Taxi!! While all of this was going on Nick S led most of the group onto Bampton (Lynwood) for coffee. Paul and I left Luke looking rather forlorn at the Little Coxwell junction, as we made are way onto Bampton to join the rest of the group. The remainder of the ride was thankfully uneventful. After what was a stressful ride for some (me!), a drink at the King Alfred’s Head was called for. Note to all – come prepared!!