A nippy one, but not nippy enough to stop a decent turnout. The drizzle started around Denchworth and carried on for a good half hour as we held a very disciplined double line heading north against the wind. The climb of Boars Hill was dispatched with little huffing and puffing, except for the new speed humps, which are rather annoying.
Down into Abingdon, there were a few spots of drizzle in the air, but we made it into R&R for our stop - service was slow as it was very busy. Through Abingdon, I managed to find a few roads that John T had never ridden - what is the chance of that?
At Steventon there was an ominous Road Closed sign, but we chanced our arm and were let through the resurfacing works by some very accommodating navvies - Thanks!
This was a delightful ride to lead - the riding standard was excellent, and big thanks to those who did turns on the front and swept at the back.