Sociable leisure rides for enthusiastic cyclists

Ride Reports


Welcome Ride

 60 km  226 m  02:29  x15
Ride Category
Warm welcome back to everyone and especially new rider Inigo, and a welcome back to Barry and Richard P.... If Inigo joins, that will be a club record turnout!

Although it was breezy, it didn't really impact the ride. The bubble system seemed to go well (thanks to John and Louis for leading bubbles), and we loosely coalesced for a break at Farmoor stores, admiring both the red Ferrari, and John G's new bike.

The return journey encountered some very localised sharp showers, and in detouring the final bubble to save Richard from the terror of Challow Hill (this was his longest ride for ages!), the leader managed to puncture by Denchworth railway bridge.

It was lovely to see people again after so long, and to ride as a group again - maybe a little different, but we made the most of it.

Bubble 1: John T, Phil, Ken, Barry, Richard S
Bubble 2: Louis, Nick D, John G, Inigo, Mike
Bubble 3: Chris, Andy, Claire, Richard, Libby, Nick S