Beautiful sunny morning (if still a bit nippy) and a great turn-out of sixteen at WMP, so we rode as two groups of eight. In the absence of a wind we made rapid progress to the climb up to Coleshill and arrived at the Carpenter's Canteen there not long after 10.30. On a sunny day the enclosed courtyard is a splendid sun trap and it was not too busy (until we arrived!). After refreshments the climb past Badbury Clumps seemed as tough as ever, then on through Faringdon and Uffington to Fawler Hill, the final gradient of note. We arrived back in Wantage a tad after midday and half of the group re-acquainted themselves with the beer garden of the King Alfred's Head.
No punctures, mechanicals or stupidly close passes (that I'm aware of). Great company, thankyou everyone!